Meeting of the SANRU’s Board of Directory with Economy Committee of the Volgograd State-Russia, on 2nd Nov. 2016
This committee that was leading by Mr. Moscova Lobev Vasilona was comprised of 9 members including Mr. Alexander Saniev as the manager of abroad economy relation and Dr. Grigory Boyko as the head of international relation from the Volgograd State Technical University. The purpose of meeting was introducing the educational and research capacity of SANRU University.
At the beginning, two sides showed their respect to their national anthems and vice versa, thereafter the introductory clip of the SANRU was casted for the audiences in Russian Language. Afterward, Prof. Mohammad-Ali Bahmanyar, the president of SANRU, welcomed the committee and stated that the SANRU is one of the members of Association of the State Universities of the Caspian Sea Region Countries and has established a mutual relation with Astrakhan State University.
Mr. Vasilona also shortly introduced the Volgograd State by emphasizing on its capacity for production of agricultural crops, horticulture, animal husbandry and Fisheries. In continue, Dr. Boyko acknowledge the SANRU’s hospitability and briefly introduced the Volgograd State University, as the largest technical university in the south of Russia and stated his welling for initiating the cooperation in Fisheries, Meteorology and Food Sciences with SANRU University and also student exchange programs from different levels (undergraduate and postgraduate).