A joint International Workshop on “Integrated Water Resources Management in History” was held at SANRU University on 18-19th Feb. 2017.

    Based on an already signed MoU between the Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University (SANRU)-Iran and the Ostfalia University-Germany, some of the faculty members and students of ostfalia University, a delegate from Institute for Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology from free University of Berlin and an Engineer at Ministry of Environment-Germany were invited to participate at this workshop. The national guests and delegates were included as below:

  • CEO of Mazandaran regional water authority
  • President of  International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID)
  • The Administrator , International Center on Qanats and Historic Hydraulic Structures (UNESCO-ICQHS)
  • General Director National Museum of Iran
  • The director of research section, cultural heritage of the historic city of Lar
  • Several faculty members form SANRU University, Tarbiat Modarres University, Shahid Chamran University, and Isfahan University of Technology

After citation of some verses from the Holy Quran, the audience showed their respect toward the Iranian and Germany national anthems. Afterward, the opening of workshop was formally announced by the welcome speech of Prof. Dr. Bahamanyar, the President of SNARU University and the workshop proceeded by the specialized panels subsequently and the delegates presented their scientific achievements regarding the theme of the workshop.
At the sideline of the workshop three memorandum of understanding were singed as listed below:

  1. Addendum of MoU regarding the postgraduate students between SANRU and Ostfalia Universities
  2. Memorandum of Understanding between SNARU University and International Center on Qanats and Historic Hydraulic Structures (UNESCO-ICQHS)
  3. A multidisciplinary agreement among SNARU University, Ostfalia University, Mazandaran regional water authority, ICID and ICQHS regarding to upholding an international conference at 2020 with pivotal role of SANRU and Ostfalia Universities at SANRU.

After the final session of the workshop, during the next days, the international guests continued their excursion by visiting from several historical water monuments at different cities such as Gorgan, Abbasabad-Behshahr, Shiraz, Isfahan and Kashan.